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How to improve refraction eye exam effectively

A refraction eye exam is a procedure that helps eye care professionals to determine the correct prescription for corrective lenses. This exam is crucial for maintaining good vision health and improving the quality of life for patients by correcting refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism; and dealing with convergence and accommodation anomalies. Here…

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Anisometropic amblyopia

Anisometropic amblyopia is a specific type of amblyopia (suppression of one eye). It occurs due to a significant difference in refractive error (nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism) between the two eyes. In this condition, one eye has a significantly different level of refractive error compared to the other eye, causing the brain to favor the eye…

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Vertical heterophoria :symptoms, causes and treatment

What is vertical heterophoria? Vertical heterophoria (VH) is often a misdiagnosed condition. The person may suffer from uncontrolled headaches, dizziness, and get no relief on treatment. It is a condition of misalignment of eyes in a vertical plane. This misalignment can often be missed in routine eye exams due to its small size. It does…

Myopia vs hyperopia

Myopia vs hyperopia is a number of differences that differentiate both of the refractive errors in a prominent way. Their differences are given below: Definitions and power in myopia vs hyperopia The type of refractive error in which the image forms in front of retina is myopia. The overall power of the eye increases in…