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How to improve refraction eye exam effectively

A refraction eye exam is a procedure that helps eye care professionals to determine the correct prescription for corrective lenses. This exam is crucial for maintaining good vision health and improving the quality of life for patients by correcting refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism; and dealing with convergence and accommodation anomalies. Here…

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Indirect ophthalmoscopy

An indirect ophthalmoscopy is done with sophisticated optical device designed for in-depth examination of the eye’s posterior segment. Unlike direct ophthalmoscopy, where an instrument is placed directly on the patient’s eye, the indirect ophthalmoscope offers a broader field of view, enabling eye care professionals to visualize intricate details of the retina and vitreous humor. Main…

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Fluorescein fundus angiography (FFA) uses

Fluorescein Fundus Angiography (FFA) stands out as a diagnostic marvel, offering invaluable insights into the vascular landscape of the eye. This blog explores the diverse and critical uses of FFA, shedding light on how this diagnostic technique aids in the identification, management, and understanding of various eye conditions. Diagnosis of Retinal Disorders: FFA is a…


What does retina do?

There is no doubt about the intellect of human beings. The remarkable revolutions in the history of technology, science and medicine speak about the wonders of human mind. The human mind can only do wonders if it SEES and notices the things around. The visual information plays pivotal role in the crucial decision making process….

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10 best and worst foods for retina- nourishing your retina

The retina is a vital component of the eye responsible for capturing light and converting it into visual signals that our brain interprets. To maintain optimal vision and promote retinal health, a balanced and nutrient-rich diet is essential. Let us explore the 10 best and worst foods for retina impact on health of your retina….