Why blurring in my eyes does not go away?
When the perception of things in left eye are different from the right eye, then it turns gaze instability. This is common complain of many people when they are delving in day to day activities associated with motion and mobility e.g. sitting in the car and observing blurring. Our vision has to be very coordinated to avoid us from seasickness. There are people who complain about this seasickness for 24 hours a day. There are people who either have visited the eyecare centres or else are visiting with the concern that ”why blurring in my eyes does not go away.”
Blurring and disturbance
Most of the times people complain about double vision, blurry vision, spots, unclear image though upon examination their eyes up to retina are fine. This suggests that the activities of transferring electrical signal and perceiving these signals are at fault.
Case with diagnosis
A patient (female) came to the doctor and in the MRI it was visible that the ventricles on the left side were slightly bigger than the right side. Upon examination it was confirmed that she had jugular vein blockage which increased the fluid around the left optic nerve of the left eye. This rise in pressure at on side decreases the speed of transferring of electrical signal from back of the eye through optic nerve to the brain. Hence the slight change in the speed results in diplopia or blurring. An unidentified vein compression can cause all of it.
Jugular vein blockage
When the jugular veins are blocked, it can lead to increased intracranial pressure due to the impaired drainage of blood from the brain. This pressure can affect the optic nerve and other visual pathways, resulting in symptoms such as:
- Blurred Vision: The most common visual disturbance associated with jugular vein blockage.
- Double Vision: Difficulty in coordinating eye movements can lead to seeing double.
- Visual Field Loss: In severe cases, there may be a loss of peripheral vision.
If you found this blog informative, consider sharing it with others who may benefit from understanding the connection between jugular vein health and vision. Stay informed, and take proactive steps towards maintaining your vascular health
Founder of EyesMatterMost- an optometry student who loves talking about eyes. I tend to cover topics related to optometry, ophthalmology, eye health, eyecare, eye cosmetics and everything in between. This website is a medium to educate my readers everything related to eyes.