How does the warzone affect the eyes

The word “war” has not been unfamiliar to our dictionary since the start of October. Being a regular user of social media, everybody can get pictorial proof of the destruction of war. Along with its physical, financial, and social impact, the war badly affects the eyes of the victims in many possible ways. The toll of war on mental health, malnutrition, the spread of diseases, and access to healthcare, among other factors, intertwines to create a complex web of consequences that can affect individuals’ ocular health as well. The war is affecting the eyes of individuals in both direct and indirect ways. Here are the factors that explain how does the warzone affect the eyes.

warzone affect the eyes

Combating situations- traumatic eye injuries

Combating situations is exposing soldiers and civilians to various hazards, including gunfire, explosives, shrapnel, and chemical agents, that can cause traumatic eye injuries. These injuries may result in vision loss, eye disfigurement, and long-term visual impairments.

warzone affect the eyes

Dreadful chemical agents

The use of chemical agents in warfare, such as tear gas or nerve agents, can lead to eye irritation, burns, and vision problems. Exposure to these chemicals can result in temporary or permanent eye damage. There has been a violent use of White Phosphorus in the residential areas in Gaza while bombing. White phosphorus burns on the eyes can result in severe tissue damage, ocular perforations, extreme phototoxicity, corneal scarring, pain, discomfort, redness, and permanent vision loss with limited or no sight.

Restricted treatment of eye infections

There are always limited healthcare services and sanitation in warzone. But the fact that knowingly shutting down the hospitals is making civilians especially children go through bad eye infections that have the capacity to damage the eyes potentially.

warzone affect the eyes

Impact of PTSD on eyes

The psychological trauma experienced by individuals in war zones can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People with PTSD may suffer from stress-related vision problems and eye conditions due to chronic stress and anxiety.

Nutrients deficiency

During conflict and displacement, individuals may face malnutrition and food insecurity. Malnutrition can lead to various health issues affecting the eyes, such as vitamin A deficiency and associated eye conditions. 

Untreated visual impairments

In war-stuck areas, access to rehabilitation services is often limited, making it challenging for individuals to adapt to their visual impairments. The process of bombing the rehabilitation and tertiary care centers is making people have their eyes untreated and in a worst-case scenario (which is very common in war) succumb to their physical wounds as well. The dreadful bombing in residential areas is causing the children to lose their eyesight.


Visual impairments can serve as barriers to independence and mobility, making it more challenging for affected individuals to perform daily activities.

Unexploded ordnance

Unexploded ordnance poses a long-lasting threat to individuals who may come into contact with explosive devices, leading to eye injuries.

Retinal degenerative changes

The war increases the chances of severe traumas that can cause the inevitable loss of eyesight e.g. retinal degenerative conditions (retinitis pigmentosa, macula degenerations). 

Eyes matter for everyone

The innocent animals go through the same deadly impact on their eyes in the war zone. A lot of innocent eyes can be saved even in the war zones by just restricting to the international laws of war. The saved eyes can see the beautiful side of life as well. Every unarmed civilian, who has been the victim of the war, has the right to get out of the place safely with his body parts safe and intact. It is really sad that the world is progressing by leaps and bounds in technology but moral values are becoming less important. The eyes matter. The organs that help us explore the goodness of the world matter. The sight matters. So does the integrity and life of human matter. 

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