Dry eyes effect on our daily life

What are dry eyes? Before addressing dry eyes effect on our daily life, lets go through the tear film layers. The tear film of eyes is composed of three layers: mucous layer, aqueous layer and the outermost is lipid layer. The lipid layer protects the aqueous layer of the tear to get evaporated from the air of the environment. Tears are important to keep our eyes lubricated and hence they contribute to the health of the eyes. They also protect our eyes from foreign bodies and infections due to the presence of mucus layer. Dry eye is a condition in which there is a decrease in quality and quantity of tears produced by the eyes.

dry eyes effect on our daily life

Dry eyes effect on our daily life

There are several factors that can lead to dry eyes because they more or less affect the quality and quantity of tear film. Following are the activities which get affected due to dry eyes.


Dry eyes affect vision. Severe problem can lead to severe issue associated with vision. The dryness can cause blurring of eyes. The eyes also become sensitive to the  light. This makes difficult to perform not only distant but near tasks as well e.g. driving, reading, using computer of smartphone. The people having dry eye syndrome generally do not use that much of a smartphone as well because the prolonged blurring and fatigue.

Dry eyes can lead to irritation, burning and stinging of the eye, redness, inflammation, blurring of vision, sensitivity, strain, mild headache, difficulty wearing contact lenses, excessive tearing, discomfort while watching a TV or using a smartphone long term electronic which can lead to conjunctivitis and blepharitis.


The itching and burning sensation of dry eyes make us feel the discomfort. This distracts the ability of a person to district the ability of a person to do our normal work. Hence the ability to concentrate is lost.

Eye health

Without a doubt, the problem of dry eye is responsible for upsetting the tear film of the eyes hence making her eyes susceptible to certain infections. In this condition, the eyes do not remain as moist as a normal condition which increases the risk of infection inflammation that can lead to conjunctivitis And other ocular conditions. Our eyes are the organs that help us to see the world within that study of optic vision. The problems that affect eye health can damage are normal visual system which can lead to a confused state of mind. it has become very important to pay heed to eye health.

Social Interactions 

This goes without saying that man is a social animal social interaction has become a part of everyone’s life. Dry eyes can lead to rubbing and redness of eyes a person having dry eye syndrome will feel conscious and may be less confident when he has to face social interactions. However one should solve his hand’s problem as a priority without consenting to any pressure from society. 

Work performance

A person having dry eyes cannot work on a computer and smartphone for longer hours as it will be difficult for him to do the work for a longer period. This results in decrease in productivity during the working hours.

Dry eyes are caused by aging, gender( women are more likely to develop this condition due to hormonal changes), and certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroid disorders, medications such as decongestants, Lasik surgery, contact lenses, insufficient blinking, vitamin A deficiency.  

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