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Training eyes after cataract surgery

training eyes after cataract surgery

The compliance of patients with the treatment escalates the process of training eyes after cataract surgery. We can predict fairly positive outcomes of cataract surgery in today’s age.  

The patients should put eye drops according to the guidelines of their ophthalmologists. If you have a cataract surgery and you want to train your eyes to return to normal functioning then it is your responsibility to not to skip any eye drop dose.

The eye drops are generally antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. You can only use wet cotton to dab the surrounding area of the eye. The patients should clean their eyes twice a day with the help of cotton pads.

How to apply eye drops after cataract surgery ?

Well considering the speedy recovery, there is a certain way to put drops in eyes. For this purpose, the upper eyelid should be held upward gently and a drop is instilled in the eye. You can also instill eye drops by gently pulling lower eyelid and giving drops in lower conjunctiva. The patients are advised not to take a head bath for the first few weeks (4 weeks) after surgery. If the patients feel watering, blurredness and irritation in their eyes then they should immediately pay a visit to their ophthalmologists.

How to train your eyes after cataract surgery?

Following instructions will help you to get speedy recovery right after cataract surgery:

  1. The patients should not eat very hard or chewy foods in the first 2 weeks after surgery.
  2. The patients can do reading, driving and use of screens depending upon their comfort level after the surgery.  
  3. Do not bow down as the newly placed artificial intraocular lens can displace.
  4. Do not lift heavy objects in the first week of cataract surgery. Patients should not carry objects heavier than 10kg.
  5. Do not fly without asking the permission of your doctors.
  6. Patients should not splash water on their faces as it can cause irritation in their eyes.
  7. Patients should not put makeup on their eyelids and mascara to their eyelashes as the powder and particles can enter the tear film of eyes and cause infection to the recovering eye.
  8. Patients should not cook and do heavy exercises until the doctors tell them to do so. It can put pressure on their eyes.

Recovery from cataract surgery

There are some instructions that usually do not apply on everyone. It is because everyone has his own natural way to recover from cataract surgery even if every patient is given same treatment.

The ophthalmologists instruct their patients to protect their eyes from bright light. The light can make their eyes feel uncomfortable and hence the increases sensitivity can delay the healing process.

The removal of cataract increases the vision of patients and surely the day of surgery might seem difficult. The nurse will put eye drops to dilate your pupil of the eye which has cataract. This may be itchy and irritating.

training eyes after cataract surgery

Should I go for cataract surgery?

Removal of cataract is such a great blessing. The cataract on maturation remarkably decreases your vision. Hence it is important to remove it. All the above mentioned instructions help to train your eyes after cataract surgery so that your eyes may not show any signs of watering, blurredness, itchiness and irritation etc. Patients can return to normal activities of life and can do whatever they want e.g. driving, swimming, heavy exercises, cooking and other work as well.

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